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16 Okt 2013

The Legend of Roro Jonggrang

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Pengging. The people lived peacefully because the king governed his country wisely. Pengging kingdom had a prince named Bandung Bondowoso. He was very handsome. Meanwhile, The king of Prambanan Kingdom, Prabu Baka, governed his nation sarcasticly and rudely. He was a giant and always ate the human being. Although Prabu Baka was a giant and man eater, he had a very beautiful daughter named Roro Jonggrang.
One day, Pengging Kingdom started the war to Prambanan Kingdom, because it always looked for people as the food of the king. The war between Prambanan and Pengging could not be avoided..  Pengging could win the war because Bandung Bondowoso had a supernatural power. Bandung Bondowoso' soldiers were not only humans but also genies. Those creatures always obeyed him. They always did whatever he asked them to do. Prambanan lost the war and of course Bandung Bandowoso had killed the king.
However the king of Prambanan had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Loro Jonggrang (Rara Jonggrang). Her famous beauty was known throughout the country, and princes from far and different land and kingdoms came to propose her. However, her beauty did not make her humble, instead she grew her arrogance even more. She refused all their proposal, and sometime in harsh as well. Many returned brokenhearted. But...
Soldier : "Im sorry princess.. We have lost"(hard breathing)
RJ : "What? My father? How about my father? Keep him alive please!"
Soldier : "He.. has killed. We are really sorry."
RJ : "How could it be. Dad.. Oh my dad.. Who has killed dad?!"
Soldier : "He is Bandung Bondowoso"                
RJ : "Shit! You have killed my father! Im going to kill you!" (so angry)
Soon Bandung and soldiers entered the Baka Palace. They could enter it easily, because Prambanan had no king. Then, he saw a very beautiful girl, Roro Jonggrang. He stared at her.
BB : "Very beautiful girl....very beautiful girl..." (come closer)
BB : "Whats your name?"
RJ : "My name is Roro Jonggrang. Whats your name?"
BB : "I'm Bandung Bondowoso"
Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her. After hesitated for a moment then Jonggrang said..
RJ : "So...You...You have killed my father......"
BB : "You got wrong info pretty girl. Im in love with you. How could you say like that?"
RJ : "Hi ..Bandung you should know.. Don’t be proud yourself. I don’t like you. I don’t love you. I really hate you. You have destroyed my country. You have killed my people. You have kiled my  father, Prabu Baka... You have destroyed my future. No....No.....Never. (cry) I will never love with you. How could I love the man that has killed my father"
BB : "Jonggrang. Please don't be sad. Please don’t cry. I am sorry. Im sorry Jonggrang. Please forgive me. I don't know that Prabu Baka is your father. I am here just for you... I really like you... You are my everything....You are my life.... You are my daily sunshine.... My heart has fallen in love with you. Would you accept my love and marry with honey......?"
Roro jonggrang  kept silence. She was shocked. She sat at the ground. She didn’t like Bandung Bondowoso because he was a mean person. She wanted to refuse, but she afraid that Bandung Bondowoso would be angry and endangered the people of Prambanan. It was a shame to reject his offer directly. She tried to find a better a way. After thingking for a while then she came up with a plan,
RJ : "Bandung.. All right. I will accept your love and I will marry you, if you can built thusand temples in just one night"
BB : "“What? That’s impossible! How could I make it? I think its very difficult.”
RJ : "Bandung, if you dont make it so. I will not accept your love!"             
BB : "Okay. Wait for me here. I will carry out this condition"
Bandung did not wanna give up. Then he consulted with his advisor.
BB : "What ought I to do?“
Advisor : "Your Majesty can asked the genies to help built the temples"
So, Bandung Bondowoso summoned his entire genies soldier and commanded them to help him built a thousand temples. He used his power to call all the genies and asked them to keep on working until they completed 1000 temples by the time the rooster crowed the next morning.
The evining came. It was so dark. Bandung sat on the ground. He put his hands to his chest. He kept silence and then prayed.
BB : "My evil spirit come! Come! Come! I need your help! I need your help! I need your help!
Immediately, the evil spirits appeared.
Evil : "Yes my lord. Yes my lord. My Lord Bandung. What can we do for you?"
BB : "Help me make a thosand sculptures in one night!"
Evil : "All right my Lord. We will carry out your order."

All evil spirit Bandung was making sculptures. The genies worked in unbelievable speed. They worked without stop any second. They would only stop by the time the rooster crowed. Soon hundreds of temples were completed. This made Roro Jonggrang restless. She could not sleep or even closed her eyes. She tried to think any way to fail Bondowoso. But again, she got an idea. She asked all of her servants to help her.
RJ : "Please prepare a lot of straw and mortar. Please hurry up!"
Servants : "Yes! But What are they for?"
RJ : "Just do it! Please quick! Help me. I dont want to marry him. Go! Go! Hurry up!"
All those servants did what Loro Jonggrang ordered them; burning straw and pounding the mortar, making the genies think that the sun is going to rise. They were confused. They did not know why Loro Jonggrang asked them to prepare a lot of straw and mortars in the middle of the night.
RJ : ""Listen, all those genies are building the temples, right? We have to stop them by burning the straw and make some noise by pounding the mortar. The genies will think that sun is going to rise and they will run away. Genies are afraid of sunlight. Come on!”
It worked! All those genies thought that sun rose. They did not know the light was from the fire that burning the straw. And the noise from pounding the mortar was like the start of a new day.
Evil leader : “It’s already dawn. We have to go"
Evil 1 : "Yes! Lets go. Sun is going to rise!"
Evil 2 : "Move away. Morning is coming. Im afraid of sunlight!"
All the genies immediately stopped their work and ran for cover from the sun, which they afraid of. They didn’t know that the light was from the fire that burning the straw, not from the sun. And Bandung Bondowoso can’t stop the genies from leaving. He was dissapointed to see this.
The next morning, Roro Jonggrang tried to see how many number the temples were.
RJ : " hundred...nine hundred ninety nine.. Hey! It just 999 scluptures. So it meant you cant marry me" (glad)
Bandung was angry. He knew Loro Jonggrang had just tricked him. He was very mad. He pointed his finger to Loro Jonggrang and said some mantras.
BB : "You cannot fool me, Loro Jonggrang. I already have 999 temples. I just need one more temple. Now, I will make you the one-thousandth temple!"
With his supernatural power, Bandung Bondowoso made Loro Jonggrang a temple and completed 1.000 sculpture.
Until now,  the temple is still standing in Prambanan area, Central Java. And the temple is called Loro Jonggrang temple.

Your turn :
Almir                     : Italic
Chatrien               : Underlined        (Roro Jonggrang)
Ikha                       : Bold                    (Bandung Bondowoso)

(Nb. Teks story telling tinggal diapalin sekaligus sama giliran. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut.. call me aja ya di nomer hape ku ***799 okay.. Thanks.)

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