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16 Okt 2013

The Legend of Roro Jonggrang

Oktober 16, 2013 0 Comments

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Pengging. The people lived peacefully because the king governed his country wisely. Pengging kingdom had a prince named Bandung Bondowoso. He was very handsome. Meanwhile, The king of Prambanan Kingdom, Prabu Baka, governed his nation sarcasticly and rudely. He was a giant and always ate the human being. Although Prabu Baka was a giant and man eater, he had a very beautiful daughter named Roro Jonggrang.
One day, Pengging Kingdom started the war to Prambanan Kingdom, because it always looked for people as the food of the king. The war between Prambanan and Pengging could not be avoided..  Pengging could win the war because Bandung Bondowoso had a supernatural power. Bandung Bondowoso' soldiers were not only humans but also genies. Those creatures always obeyed him. They always did whatever he asked them to do. Prambanan lost the war and of course Bandung Bandowoso had killed the king.
However the king of Prambanan had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Loro Jonggrang (Rara Jonggrang). Her famous beauty was known throughout the country, and princes from far and different land and kingdoms came to propose her. However, her beauty did not make her humble, instead she grew her arrogance even more. She refused all their proposal, and sometime in harsh as well. Many returned brokenhearted. But...
Soldier : "Im sorry princess.. We have lost"(hard breathing)
RJ : "What? My father? How about my father? Keep him alive please!"
Soldier : "He.. has killed. We are really sorry."
RJ : "How could it be. Dad.. Oh my dad.. Who has killed dad?!"
Soldier : "He is Bandung Bondowoso"                
RJ : "Shit! You have killed my father! Im going to kill you!" (so angry)
Soon Bandung and soldiers entered the Baka Palace. They could enter it easily, because Prambanan had no king. Then, he saw a very beautiful girl, Roro Jonggrang. He stared at her.
BB : "Very beautiful girl....very beautiful girl..." (come closer)
BB : "Whats your name?"
RJ : "My name is Roro Jonggrang. Whats your name?"
BB : "I'm Bandung Bondowoso"
Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her. After hesitated for a moment then Jonggrang said..
RJ : "So...You...You have killed my father......"
BB : "You got wrong info pretty girl. Im in love with you. How could you say like that?"
RJ : "Hi ..Bandung you should know.. Don’t be proud yourself. I don’t like you. I don’t love you. I really hate you. You have destroyed my country. You have killed my people. You have kiled my  father, Prabu Baka... You have destroyed my future. No....No.....Never. (cry) I will never love with you. How could I love the man that has killed my father"
BB : "Jonggrang. Please don't be sad. Please don’t cry. I am sorry. Im sorry Jonggrang. Please forgive me. I don't know that Prabu Baka is your father. I am here just for you... I really like you... You are my everything....You are my life.... You are my daily sunshine.... My heart has fallen in love with you. Would you accept my love and marry with honey......?"
Roro jonggrang  kept silence. She was shocked. She sat at the ground. She didn’t like Bandung Bondowoso because he was a mean person. She wanted to refuse, but she afraid that Bandung Bondowoso would be angry and endangered the people of Prambanan. It was a shame to reject his offer directly. She tried to find a better a way. After thingking for a while then she came up with a plan,
RJ : "Bandung.. All right. I will accept your love and I will marry you, if you can built thusand temples in just one night"
BB : "“What? That’s impossible! How could I make it? I think its very difficult.”
RJ : "Bandung, if you dont make it so. I will not accept your love!"             
BB : "Okay. Wait for me here. I will carry out this condition"
Bandung did not wanna give up. Then he consulted with his advisor.
BB : "What ought I to do?“
Advisor : "Your Majesty can asked the genies to help built the temples"
So, Bandung Bondowoso summoned his entire genies soldier and commanded them to help him built a thousand temples. He used his power to call all the genies and asked them to keep on working until they completed 1000 temples by the time the rooster crowed the next morning.
The evining came. It was so dark. Bandung sat on the ground. He put his hands to his chest. He kept silence and then prayed.
BB : "My evil spirit come! Come! Come! I need your help! I need your help! I need your help!
Immediately, the evil spirits appeared.
Evil : "Yes my lord. Yes my lord. My Lord Bandung. What can we do for you?"
BB : "Help me make a thosand sculptures in one night!"
Evil : "All right my Lord. We will carry out your order."

All evil spirit Bandung was making sculptures. The genies worked in unbelievable speed. They worked without stop any second. They would only stop by the time the rooster crowed. Soon hundreds of temples were completed. This made Roro Jonggrang restless. She could not sleep or even closed her eyes. She tried to think any way to fail Bondowoso. But again, she got an idea. She asked all of her servants to help her.
RJ : "Please prepare a lot of straw and mortar. Please hurry up!"
Servants : "Yes! But What are they for?"
RJ : "Just do it! Please quick! Help me. I dont want to marry him. Go! Go! Hurry up!"
All those servants did what Loro Jonggrang ordered them; burning straw and pounding the mortar, making the genies think that the sun is going to rise. They were confused. They did not know why Loro Jonggrang asked them to prepare a lot of straw and mortars in the middle of the night.
RJ : ""Listen, all those genies are building the temples, right? We have to stop them by burning the straw and make some noise by pounding the mortar. The genies will think that sun is going to rise and they will run away. Genies are afraid of sunlight. Come on!”
It worked! All those genies thought that sun rose. They did not know the light was from the fire that burning the straw. And the noise from pounding the mortar was like the start of a new day.
Evil leader : “It’s already dawn. We have to go"
Evil 1 : "Yes! Lets go. Sun is going to rise!"
Evil 2 : "Move away. Morning is coming. Im afraid of sunlight!"
All the genies immediately stopped their work and ran for cover from the sun, which they afraid of. They didn’t know that the light was from the fire that burning the straw, not from the sun. And Bandung Bondowoso can’t stop the genies from leaving. He was dissapointed to see this.
The next morning, Roro Jonggrang tried to see how many number the temples were.
RJ : " hundred...nine hundred ninety nine.. Hey! It just 999 scluptures. So it meant you cant marry me" (glad)
Bandung was angry. He knew Loro Jonggrang had just tricked him. He was very mad. He pointed his finger to Loro Jonggrang and said some mantras.
BB : "You cannot fool me, Loro Jonggrang. I already have 999 temples. I just need one more temple. Now, I will make you the one-thousandth temple!"
With his supernatural power, Bandung Bondowoso made Loro Jonggrang a temple and completed 1.000 sculpture.
Until now,  the temple is still standing in Prambanan area, Central Java. And the temple is called Loro Jonggrang temple.

Your turn :
Almir                     : Italic
Chatrien               : Underlined        (Roro Jonggrang)
Ikha                       : Bold                    (Bandung Bondowoso)

(Nb. Teks story telling tinggal diapalin sekaligus sama giliran. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut.. call me aja ya di nomer hape ku ***799 okay.. Thanks.)

7 Okt 2013


Oktober 07, 2013 0 Comments
Kau beterbangan menerobos mulutku
membuat nafasku tersengal
terjepit sendu
bagai tertusuk duri suci
yang berlabel instansi

Oh bunga setaman
harummu kini tak mampu lagi menawan
melawan serangan dari busuknya kepentingan

Tanyaku berulang
layaknya kerbau ompong yang mengadu pada lembu
keduanya hanya bisa menahan sendu

melihat monyet-monyet asyik berbisik
meniupkan rasa syirik
bagi makhluk yang dirasa terbaik

Karya : Muh. L.S.

(I was that impressed reading your poem. Thanks.. Dedicated for LDBI Oct 2013. We may be called lost, but not for the language skills we have! )

29 Sep 2013

Live for The Life

September 29, 2013 0 Comments
In life you'll meet two types of people : The ones who inspire you and the ones who bring you down, But in the end you'll be thanking both of them.
Secercah kutipan yang langsung nyess di hatiku. Yahh, selama ini memang begitulah kejadiannya. Kadang hidup diatas, tapi kadang juga terlempar jauh kedalam. Jatuh tak berbekas. Sakit..
Dalam hidup akan banyak rintangan silih berganti meski kita bleng tidak tahu menahu. Kejadian yang dibuat oleh manusia sendiri dan so pasti juga karena kehendak tangan Tuhan Yang Kuasa. Kadang dibuat bingung pula kenapa harus ada rasa sakit kalau ujung-ujungnya *apaya*... hmm* kita mesti MATI juga! #loh?
Well, back to our basic..
Membahas orang yang knock us down, memang bakalan gak selesai-selesai bahas mereka yang masa bodoh tidak pernah melihat hati kita merintih karena kata-kata yang menyayat hati *idiww*. Tenang. Tatap mata yang full of sins mereka. Bilang aja, “Hey you! Listen! Whatever you bullied me, think fuck things about me, flirt on me, dont like all my acts, pray bad for me, spread fake jokes of mine, laughing on my sadness, many more. You dont ever get your happiness because I would never BREAKING!”. Itu versi Inggris *aslibuatangue*. Indonesianya gak perlu dibahas kan J
Bukan cuma omong doang yang bakalan kita cakar-cakar tapi juga tindakan NYATA. Perlu diakui sih kalau mereka udah buat kita rendah diri didepan mata orang lain. Balas dengan membuat mereka malu, “Ngrasa hidup loe sempurna apa? Gue juga bisa lebih :V”, mereka malu didepan orang banyak. Perlu diketahui kalau sebenarnya rasa rendah diri itu *insyaAllah* biasanya rasa-nya kan yang ngrasa cuma kita doang selebihnya mereka (bc. orang lain). Kalau malu itu, udah diketawain orang lain, juga aduhhh gila ini main harga diri. Harga diri kita bakalan diinjek-injek. *asahgolok*. Nah kan, buat semuanya jangan mau dong kalah sama mereka yang udah jahat sama kita. Karena pada suatu saat pembalasan akan menimpa mereka semua *hikshiks*. Anyway, doa yang kita panjatkan juga jangan yang buruk-buruk dumzz. Ntar apa bedanya sama mereka tuh.
Hargailah teman-teman yang sama sekali tidak mengejek kamu sekalian. Bukan berarti yang jahat, kamu jahatin juga -_- Tu est genial, s’il te plaît! Jadi orang yang dewasa sedikit dongss :D
Walaupun begitu, mungkin bukan sekarang guys.. Mungkin saat kita dewasa nanti. Entah.. Mereka sudah hadir dihidup kita dan satu kuncinya, entah itu baik ataupun buruk, haruslah disyukuri.. Keep on moving! They never catch us down. However they are building ourself grows better with various experience and let us feel the most embracing nor bitter taste for our life. Dont be too sensitive. Catch them as well as you are, because they make real you are inside giving all they have J Love them easily but Care them mostly.. Care is better than love. Karena cinta kadang pakai nafsu. Nafsu buruk? Yes, it could be. Atau nafsu tentang cinta sejati? Depends from us. Intinya serahkan cinta sejati buat Allah SWT. Serahkan segalanya. Niscaya kita bakalan hidup tenang, gak gentayangan diliputi sifat syatan.. Sooo, tambahan quotes kita hari ini adalah :
Having everything doesnt make you special.

Having someone who values you more than everything, that’s special...

Kalutnya Rasa Ketika di Bawah

September 29, 2013 0 Comments
Pas banget buat malem ini yang hawanya mendung sih, tapi panassssnya pake banget. Dan cucok banget buat rasa galauku yang bisa dibilang gagal buat malem ini. Terserah apa kata Bapak/Ibu Guru dah kalau masih banyak kesempatan, tapi face the real! Hidup kita yang gak kaya movies gitu, yang bisa dengan gampangnya nyusun skenario with the end, good person always win, dan yang perlu digaris bawahi lagi yaitu werent we good? Or you hoped something good in this good-bad situation??

*upssss* STOP! I was such that far. OeMGe xD dont too ego!

Okay ladies and gentlemen, lomba yang baru aja kuhadapi belum menelorkan hasil. Ckckc. Sebenarnya itu team-ku gak buruk-buruk banget. Semua tenaga udah ane keluarin. Semua jerih payah, piluh keringat, tetesan air mata sudah tuntas semua aku tumpahkan demi lomba itu.. (nb. Sori kalo pembaca kepo lomba apaan) Lombanya apa juga gak penting buat dibahas. *emot sad*.. Aku udah ngrasaa perihal buruk juga sebenarnya guys.. Buruk ini memang beneran muncul bukan karena aku emang udah ketimpa hal buruk itu juga. Tapi ngrasa gak enak gitu lah. You know..

Main point sekolah ane emang udah terkenal top markotop nya buat akademik dan tetekbengeknya. Dari rasa optimis itulah yang mbuat terlalu sakit. Harapan yang terlampau gede dan bermuluk-muluk juga taruhan harapan dari orang-orang sekitar yang mbantu kita so pasti. Kita semua udah ngrasain gimana rasanya tertindas tu dalam lomba. Meskipun dari sekolah ter-kece sekalipun gak akan merubah kenyataan kalau kita emang gak sebagus yang lain. Tapi juga kita punya harga diri. Hargai dong! Jangan makan semangat kami! *DEMO*

*uphh* forget it..

Intinya malam ini, kami kalah. Tapi bukan berarti kami selesai.. Masih banyak kesempatan menanti disana *guruguebilanggitu*.. Well, dan mungkin satu hal yang bisa kusimpulkan, mungkin jalanku bukan di sini.. Instead it doesnt depend on the outer-side.

Kami kalah, *yagapapap* bukan berarti selesai. Tapi ini adalah permulaan. Awal dari semangat kami yang mungkin lebih berkobar dari anda sekalian. Tapi sekali Nadi berdetak dalam raga kami, tak ada apapun yang bisa menghalangi kami untuk kalah. Dia baru saja lahir. Dan kami butuh untuk rehat sejenak. Jadi tunggulah yang terjadi setelahnya.

We win, not because the hokey that we get.
But it talks ‘bout our “fights” which never end.

With sacrifice and the whistle.
Until the last tears it hard.
We are always be us.

Among us who cant be separated.. Here we goo!

28 Feb 2013

Logo SMA N 2 Purwokerto

Februari 28, 2013 0 Comments
Ada SMP pasti juga ada SMA dongss.. Nah ini logo SMA NEGERI 2 PURWOKERTO :) Semoga bermanfaat! Hwaiting!!!

English Poem (My colour scheme)

Februari 28, 2013 0 Comments

At first the world was colourful
Filled with colours of my choice,
People loved me and I loved them,
There were no masks, there were no lies.

A little later I saw that the world
Was afterall black and white
There was me and the people I liked
And there were others that could never do right.

Further I saw the introduction of grey
A blend of good and bad
'Greys' were difficult to deal with
They made it difficult to decide.

Recently I discovered that there are greys of different shades
I wonder why such a complicated world was made,
There are dark greys and light and there are the 'in-betweens'
Now when I face a person I can't say whether or not he's mean.

Now I know that many colours constitute every creation,
What colour I see depends entirely on the light.
Maybe all that I see is just an illusion
For all you know a certain black could be a grey close to white.

After this revelation i feel so unsure
Now every tint mames me wonder.

# Anonymous :)
Well, its my friend's.. I prefer say anonym than make it to be mine.. Thanks for this poem, very awesome!

6 Jan 2013

Lost one thing that I called love

Januari 06, 2013 0 Comments
I screamed out all night watching he went and let me alone. In that dark night, I still couldn't believe what's gonna touch me like that. It hurts so much. Makes me feel that life means nothing if you didn't nothing as long as you life.

"Hey! Girl in there!" a screamed that pushed me up and suddenly awaken me up.
"Ah. Yea. What's up Mam" I tried to talk well, so that she never worried about me.

"Please take all bag in dear. I wont there is thing that left. Okey hurry up. Our train must go about an hour again."
"Ok Mam. It doesn't matter." I answered it rushly.

Then my eyes faced my brother's face. He's cute. Ya, cute baby. Pretty baby that I love so much. I dont wont to let him. Once more, I wont he went to Jakarta to take operation in there. Now, I just to hold my breath. Yes, I'm still alive. Just for 3 weeks girl! Why did you so worried like that. Be patient. Sounds waved    along wrap me out.

Ah, Luckily, I could hold my tears not to fall from my face. I want to cried!! Why it attacks my Brother's heart! Why it can be???!!!! Why was not me? Just me!! Oh God. It's very awful to be him>

How should I do?

No, I have to cry! Listen, Just for 3 weeks. Brother! I'm counting on you! You have to keep survive. And for me, Me too. Went by 3 people, Come back I expect it has to be 3 too. FIGHTING!! YOU CAN DO THAT!!

That's enough. I haven't to be sad any more. Many friends that I have, so I'm still alive. and for my brother in there, Jan 8th 2013 is your FIGHTING DAY. So Don't give up!! God knows that, We were Alive =)